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Clash of

Clash of Clans - Великолепная и очень популярная стратежка эпическая, где мы строить обязаны собственные свои поселения и создавать клан свой. Защитить его и на иные кланы напасть. Улучшай и расширяй деревню свою, так как враг твой не спит, он приходить будет к тебе все с более мощным оружием. Нам необходимо будет распределять умно ресурсы для улучшения, и врага заставлять отступать от нас.

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How to Sandbox with Full Traps in LIVE Replay with Clash of Clans MOD

In last versions of COC updates in Clash of Clans MOD v. 3.2.2 iOS and v.2.5.3 AndroidReal-time traps/teslas has been fixedRemoval of untriggered traps from Clan War has affected how Sandbox from Replay works. =About Realtime Traps/Teslas=Realtime traps/teslas are fixed in real-time battles, no matter in Farming or in Clan War. So, if you turn the feature ON, and everything goes well, you should be seeing all traps/teslas displayed in ALL real attacks. You can also turn it OFF if you don't want it in the next battle. =About Sandbox From Replay=Here are a few facts we should know beforehand:a. Untriggered traps are those unactivated by a player (e.g. not stepped by Barbs) in a real battle. b. ONLY triggered traps will be left to be recorded in Normal Replay.So we can't sandbox from replay perfectly with full traps in MOST cases becuz we are barely not able to trigger all traps in one attack attempt.But Xmodders and Xmodgamers also found thatc. Traps data can still be saved from LIVE replays (i.e. Replay during an attack attempt of a clan member against your rival)d. Trap data will be cleared once you exit Clash of Clans or watch another replay. This means there's still a chance for you & clanmates to watch LIVE battles during the war and Sandbox PERFECTLY the base you watched.However, be careful not to lose the trap data you got becuz of fact d. How Things We Should Plan in the Clan War:=For Chiefs & Leaders in Clan=Before the first attack: 1. Gather all members and decide who plays the "Scouter", who helps to reveal traps for others in the first attack and who plays the "Attackers" for the second round. 2. Pair them up as a team and schedule their ONLINE timetable for watching LIVE replays (due to different time zones). =For the Scouter=The first attack for real: 3. All members in Clan war online, Turn ON Real-time Traps/Teslas and Sandbox from Replay 4. For the Scouter: Tell all members esp. the partner Attacker that YOU'RE going to attack. (As Supercell may strengthens the dectection in chat, it's better that clan members use other online SMS or IM like Whatsapp, LINE, or communicate in XMG Chatroom) In the battle, with the help of Realtime Traps/Teslas, scout as many raps as posible in the attacking path in Clan War for the first attack. Best practice: deploy ground and air troops to scout from ground to air. The more traps triggered, the more accurate will be the sandbox map for NORMAL replay. 5. And be careful! If the replay has only ground units, when you plan to sandbox with air units. You won't trigger any air traps in the simulation. =For the Attacker=Before the second attack: 6. While the Scouter is attacking the enemy, his partner - the "Attacker" and all others online tap on "Watch LIVE" for replay. Then ull trap data will be saved in the LIVE replay. 7. As the Attacker and those who watched LIVE replay have obtained all trap data, they can easily Sandbox Now. Turn ON "Sandbox Attack" at the same base after the Scouter finishes the attack. 8. Tap on "Scout" and they can Sandbox PERFECTLY anytime you want! This is YOUR PLAN APLAN A: Sandbox with LIVE full trap data. (Recommended) 9. You can alter and modify different combos in the Sandbox, too. NOTE: IMPORTANT NOTE: a. Don't exit the game or watch another REPLAY yet! Or the saved full trap data will be lost forever!b. If unfortunately, you lost full trap data of LIVE replay, the Attacker can turn to PLAN B (i.e. Sandbox with Triggered Trap Data from NORMAL replay by the Scouter in the first round).PLAN B: Sandbox with triggered trap data from watching a normal replay of the first round. The second attack for real:1. With LIVE & NORMAL Replay data in Sandbox, the "Attacker" should be well practised enough and get full advantage from "Real-time traps" to score 3-stars for real!Xmod is finding a way to save LIVE replay for all Xmod users. Stay tuned!

Новый гайд о Тренирововчном бое из Повтора

Важныезамечанияв модах на iOSv. 3.2.0 иAndroidv. 2.5.0:MOD 3.2.0 iOSподдерживаетClashofClansтольковерсии 8.212.1, в то время как MOD 2.5.0 AndroidподдерживаетClashofClansтолько версии 8.212.3.Хорошие новости:Новыйюнит, Вышибала, можетбытьиспользованвТренировочномбою, так же как и новые уровни Валькирий, Гоблинов и Всадников на Кабане!Плохие новости, которые мы пытаемся исправить:1. Показ ловушек в Реальном времени на данный момент отключен, поэтому, во время простых атак и атак на КВ их не будет видно.2.Однако, Замеченные ловушки/теслы могут быть показаны. Замеченные ловушки или теслы это те, которые были активированы на повторе. Например, на КВ, просмотрите повтор чьей-либо атаки, заранее включив Тренировочный бой и Тренировочный бой из Повтора, и вы сможете тренироваться, но показаны будут только те ловушки, которые были активированы на Повторе. Расположение и тип активированных на повторе ловушек будут сохранены. Когда вы включите Тренировочный бой и нажмете Посетить/ШпионитьЭти ловушки будут загружены в ваш тренировочный бой.Незамеченные ловушки не могут быть сохранены в повторе пока они не активированы, поэтому1.Вам нужно будет попросить соклановца провести первую атаку и активировать как можно больше ловушек. Совет: используйтеиназемные, ивоздушныеюнитыдляразведки. 2. Есливыпланируетеатаковатьвоздушнымиюнитами, нонаповтореатакабылапроизведенатольконаземными, ниоднавоздушнаяловушканескопируетсявТренировочныйбой. 3. Расстановки, которые вы скопировали при помощи функции Копирование расстановок, будут неполные: в них будут отсутствовать ловушки, которые вам придется расставлять самим.

?NEW?Solution to COC Mod Launching Problems

Solution for 3 Problems of COC Mod!First of all, We need to say sorry for the delay. COC Mod is still in fix now

However, ??Good News is We have found what the problem is!If you have met these 3 problem listed below, Please try these two solutions:?Problem One?: Opps Page Notice appear:--Solution 1:Reinstall Xmodgames->Grant Root Access. --Solution 2(For Kingroot User!!!):Disable Root Protection of Kingroot-> Restart Xmodgames.?Problem Two?:Xmodgames stops running while launching mod:--Solution :Install [Root Explorer]-?Tap [SD Card]-?Find [com.xmodgames]->Click[databse]->Delete [database]-?Restart Xmodgames.?Problem Three?:Black Screen appears while launching COC Mod:---Solution:Clean RAM data by Clean Master -?Restart Xmodgames.Xmodgames staff are keep going with the coc fix. Keep going to launch Xmodgames everyday to give us support!

Руководство по COC

Вопрос A:Как использовать 'Копирование деревни игрока':Ответ :1.Включите Копировать размещение игрока2.Зайдите на базу игрока через Посетить/Шпионить/Повтор/Атака/Реванш3.Подождите несколько секунд.4.Зайдите в изменение расстановки базы на кв.5.Нажмите на не активный слот.5.Нажмите на Изменить.6.Готово!Важные замечания :1.Используйте функцию Показывать Ловушки и Теслы. Ловушки и теслы тоже могут быть скопированы.2. Если вы не хотите терять свою военную базу, сохраните расстановку и закончите ее в Обычном редактореВопрос B: Как использовать 'Показывать Ловушки и Теслы'Ответ:1.Включите функцию2.Перезапустите игру.Важное замечание:'Показ Ловушек и Тесел' работает в реальном бою и в повторах, не в Песочнице.Вопрос C:Как использовать 'Симуляция атаки':Ответ:1.Включите функцию2.Введите количество и виды ваших Войск, Войск в вашем кк, Ваших героев, Вражеских героев, Войск во вражеском кк, и заклинаний.3.Выберите игрока и нажмите Шпионить/Посетить, активировав Симуляцию Атаки.Важное замечание:При установке юнитов в кк противника, обратите внимание на вместимость.Количесвто выбранных вами юнитов не должно превышать вместимость КК.Вопрос D:Как использовать ' Песочницу при Воспроизведении'Ответ:???Если вы будете использовать 'Имитационное Нападения', то пожалуйста выключите 'Песочница при Воспроизведении'.???Если вы используете 'Песочница при Воспроизведении', то пожалуйста включите 'Имитационные Нападения', посмотрите повтор перед нападением на вражескую базу и нажмите шпионить/посетить.1.Убедитесь, что включен Показ Ловушек и Тесел.2.Включите ' Песочница при Воспроизведении'.3..Введите количество и виды Ваших Войск, Войск в вашем кк, Ваших героев, Вражеских героев, Войск во вражеском кк, и заклинаний.4.Смотрим повтор атаки .5.Нажмите на посетить/шпионить, чтобы активировать 'Песочница при Воспроизведении'.6. Теперь вы можете проводить симуляцию атаки с видимыми ловушками.Важное замечание:1.Не устанавливайте войска во вражеский кк, используя Песочницу при Воспроизведении.Подсказки по пользованию мода на КВ:1. Соберите команду:Соберите клан из пользователей Xmodagames.2. Проведите по атаке на каждую базу чтобы был доступен повтор каждой базы.3. Используйте Песочницу при воспроизведении чтобы достичь максимального результата на кв.Использование функций для теста вашей расстановки:1. Включите ?Sandbox Attack?&?Sandbox From Replay?2. Откройте Ход Обороны и просмотрите повтор.3. Нажмите Отомстить рядом с повтором.Вопрос E:Как использовать'Поиск добычи'Ответ:1.Установите количество Золота, Эликсира, Темного Эликсира, Уровень Ратуши, Дистанцию Ратуши от Края и Трофеи.2.Включите' Авто Поиск'Внимание: Когда одно из этих условий будет выполнено, поиск будет остановлен.3.Включите ' Соответствовать Всем Условиям'4.Нажмите ' Атака 'Важное замечание :1. Не устанавливайте слишком много условий при включенном ' Соответствовать Всем Условиям', это займет больше времени.2. Когда все условия выполнены, то поиск будет остановлен.Вопрос F: Как использовать 'Поиск Заброшенных Деревень'Ответ:1. Включите ' Авто Поиск'2.Установите количество Золота, Эликсира, Темного Эликсира, Производительности Золотой Шахты, Производительности Сборщика Эликсира, Производительности сборщика Т. Эликсира.3. Нажмите ' Attack 'Важное замечание:1.Не включайте Соответствовать Всем Условиям. Просто включите Поиск с использованием Поиска Мертвых Деревень.2.Если вы хотите 200K Золота, то установите Золото: 200000, Производительность Золотых Рудников 200000, включите Поиск. Таким образом, Если вам повезет, то вы сможете разбить Золотые Рудники, что бы получить золото, когда хранилища пусты.* Эта функция поможет вам получить то, что вы хотите простым способом.Вопрос G: Как использовать 'Авто Переподключение'Ответ:1.Включите 'Авто Переподключение'.2. Установите значение в 'Задержка Переподключения'Важно:1.Работает только если СОС выводить уведомление о том что игра не синхронизирована (Перезапустите игру)!

Clash of Clans Sandbox Combo Profiles Mod

In year 2016, Xmodgames has renewed the UI of COC Mod and continue to improve Sandbox Features.-Sandbox Troop Combo are recorded in Troop Combo Profiles for quick selection in different simulation scenarios-All Troop & Spells Customizable in amount and level, including those in Castles (e.g. Castle Spells)Demo Video:Note: The mod ONLY supports the latest Clash of Clans version. Make sure to update the game first and install the latest mod.How to use the NEW features in COC Mod:Tap on Xbot and then Xmod to start modding the game.In the column of Sandbox attack, we can now see the Troop Combo Profile Name in red square and its specs in blue square.-My Heroes sets the types and levels of your own heroes. Zero means default settings. -My Troops sets the types, number and levels of your troops.-Castle Troops sets the types, number and levels of troops donated by clanmates.-Spells sets types, number and levels of spells you use in battle.-Castle Spells sets types, number and levels of spells donated by clanmates.Adding a Profile: Tap on the Profile nameto go to Troop Combo Profile Selection Page.Then tap on "+" sign to add a new profile. You can rename your profile here then press "Yes" to confirm. In this case, it's called xmodgames FAVNow the new profile has been made. Head back by press on the "

Clash of Clans Xmods (Real Time Traps & Sandbox Attacks)

There are three subfeatures now in Sandbox.-Set Target’s Castle Troops/ Enemy Troops-Set own troops/ Self Troops-Set My Castle Troops -Set Spells ?Set target’s castle troops/ Enemy TroopsThis is a make-up feature for not being able to trigger troops in enemy’s clan castle (cc) in old Sandbox. Sandbox cannot get info of clan castle and hidden objects now but we can manually add them. N.B. Enemy Troops configuration gets data of castle troops donated by your clanmates before and edits the Enemy Castle based on this data.

The amount of troops available is subject to your current castle housing space in Sandbox. The maximum housing space limit is 35 as clan castle at full level.

The type and the highest level of castle troops available is also dependent on troops received from your clanmates. How to add troop info to enemy’s cc1.Tap on the ‘x’ button to configurate. 2.Open Sandbox first and tap on the feature to enable it. (for iOS users, make sure that Sandbox Attack and Search Switch are not ON at the same time. We’ll make them compatible again in later versions)3.When you open the feature, you can see icons of different units. The number shows how many units you’ve set(can be at different levels). Units of a type are grouped in the same icon. You can tap "Clear" to reset the data.4. Set what you want to add by tapping on an icon. There pops up another box where you can define the unit’s level together with the amount you want to add.For example, we put 35 level 6 barbarians to target’s castle (I received level 6 barbarians from my clanmates before).You can tap "Clear" to reset the data.5. When you use sandbox attack in visiting or scouting, you can see 35 barbarians lured out of the castle now!?Set own troops/ Self TroopsThis feature helps you change cc troops while testing tactics & maneuveurs of different kinds soyou don’t have to train or wait till all troops are ready. N.B. Self Troops only uses troop data of your own base (i.e. your Barracks and Laboratory).

Only unlocked troops you've used can be editted or added;

All edited troops will have your current levels. How to use Set own troops1.Tap on the ‘x’ button to configurate. 2.Open Sandbox first and tap on the feature to enable it. (for iOS users, make sure that Sandbox Attack and Search Switch are not ON at the same time. We’ll make them compatible again in later versions)3.When you open the feature, you can see icons of different units. Click on an icon to add units you want by setting the number in the input box.4.Now you can have unlimited troops of your own for practice when sandboxing (Visit or Scout) others. Clear the settings if you want to reset and play with your original troops in base.?Set SpellsYou can Set Spells Combo in Sandbox Attack so that you can deploy different spells for different troops combos for PRACTICE.Steps to Set Spells:1. Make sure to turn ON Sandbox Attack first then tap on Set Spells.2. You can set the type and amount of spells you want to add in Sandbox.Note: Only unlocked spells you've used can appear in Sandbox and the spell levels depend on the upgrade level of your research lab.Beware Xmod’s Mage’s Rage,muhaha. Official VideoThanks for the cooperation. Xmodgames is the Best FREE Game Mod Center that features healthy game mods to the gamers and its developers.We have released a new feature in search loot called Town Hall Near Edge.Check how it is used.http://xmodgame.blogspot.com/2015/05/clash-of-clansguide-for-max-townhall.htmlCredits:Xmodgames Team (for the mod) 2 0 en 400 57 0 1 N N 0 1450856964 1456458489413 Infinite Troops (Tanks,Scanks) & Infinite Energy in Sandbox Attack by Xmodgames 0 Boom Beach New Mods: Infinite Troops (Tanks,Scanks) & Infinite Energy in Sandbox Attack by XmodgamesFeatures:·Keep Active·Simulate Attack·Infinite Energy·My Troops ·Simulate Statues BuildingDemo Video:Instructions for Activation:1.Install the game first as usual and update it if necessary.2.Open the App 'xmodgames' from HomeScreen.3.Make sure you have downloaded and installed Boom Beach from Google Play or App Storebefore installing or updating the mod. To install the mod, click on the entry of Boom Beach in Mod Menu.4.Infinite Energy is a new feature published for the celebration of Xbot 1st Birthday Party.When turned ON, users can play Sandbox with Infinite Energy. 5.My Troops You can set 99 Troops now. Combine it with Infinite Energy. Voila!

How to Mod Heroes Simulation and Brand New Simulation Setting.

Clash of Clan New Mod Features-Heroes Simulation and Brand New Simulate Setting.?If Game Crashs,plz UPDATE COC to the LATEST game version??Support the LATEST COC game version??Two New Mod Features????If you ONLY use "Sandbox Attack", Plz turn OFF "Sandbox from Replay".???If you use "Sandbox from Replay", Plz turn On "Sandbox Attack" together and remerber to watch Replay before Visiting/Scouting enemy base.Feature 1:Heroes Simulation--In Simulate Attack,you can set Your King/Queen and Enemy King/Queen at different levels.Using Guide:1.Click “Mod”to enter the page of Mod choices.2.Click“Target's Heroes” or “My Heroes” where you can see King and Queen.3.Click King or Queen to enter the page where you can set their levels.4.Adjust King or Queen levels.5.Now,you can use King and Queen in Simulate Attack.Feature 2: Brand New Setting of Simulate AttackNOTICE:1.When setting Enemy Castle Troop,plz pay attention to the Space. The Troop you set can not be over the Enemy Castle Space.2.In Sandbox From Replay, You do not need to set Enemy Castle Troop. --If you can not see the troop in scout after watching Replay,that's because you have not been donated with that troop.--In Simulate Attack,you can set Your Troops, Your Own Castle Troops, Enemy Castle Troops and Spells of different KINDS. Even you have not unlocked them!!!?Important Notice:About Display of the Levels of Troops?:1.For Elixir Unit and Spells:a).The levels of Elixir Unit/Spells will be displayed normally if you have unlocked them.b).The levels of Elixir Unit /Spells will be ?set to the highest? if you have ?NOT unlocked them.?Example: I have not unlocked PEKKA,but I want to use him in Simulate Attack.Using Guide is listed below:1.Click “My Troops”.2.Choose PEKKA and set the number you need.(I set it 999)3.Then,go to simulate attack other player by visiting his base.4.Look!Becuase I have NOT unlocked PEKKA,his level will be set to the highest by default.2.For Dark Elixir Unit:a).If the ?level? OR ?number? of the Dark Elixir Troop is more than 2. the level will be displayed normally in Simulate Attack.Example: I have trained several Minion whose level is 1.2.In Simulate Attack, the level of Minion is displayed normally.b).If the ?level? OR ?number? of the Dark Elixir Troop is less than 2, the level of Elixir Unit will be ?set to the highest?in Simulate Attack.Example:I have not trained Hog Rider. The level of Hog Rider is 1.2.So,the level of Hog Rider is set to the highest.c).If you have ?NOT unlocked them?, the level of Elixir Unit will be ?set to the highest?in Simulate Attack.Example:I have not unlocked Golem.2.So,the level of Golem is set to the highest.Feature 3:Fix Bug of Copy Player Layout.?The 2nd Important Notice?:1. In Sandbox From Replay, if you have not seen troops come out from Enemy Castle Troops,there are two problems:a).There are no troops in Enemy Castle Troops.(You can check in Replay)b).You have not got that kind of troop from your clan mates,plz ask your clanmate for donation.2.In Sandbox Attack,Lava hound will not come out if you have not unlocked him. JUST LAVA HOUND!

New Guide for Clash of Clans Sandbox from Replay

Important Notes on iOS mod version 3.2.1 and Android mod version 2.5.3:MOD 3.2.1 iOS supports Clash of Clans version 8.212.1 ONLY MOD 2.5.3 Android supports Clash of Clans version 8.212.3 & 8.212.9 ONLY. We recommend updating the game to 8.212.9 for Android users. ?Good News?:New troop unit, the Bowler, can be used in Sandbox Attack, along with newest levels of Valkyrie, Goblin and Hog Riders!Something not that pleasant but we're trying our best to fix it:1.Realtime Traps/Teslas is fixed now both Clan War (partially) and Farming. 2.However, only Triggered Traps/Teslas can be simulated with Sandbox from Replay. "Triggered Traps/Teslas" refer to traps/teslas that are seen to be activated by yourself or your clanmates during an attack in the replay. For example, in Clan war, turn ON ?Sandbox from Replay? and then watch the replay of an attack. The location and types of traps/teslas activated in this attack will be saved. When you turn ON ?Sandbox Attack?and Visit/Scout to do Sandbox Attack. These traps will be loaded to be triggered in Sandbox for you to simulate. Other untriggered traps won?t enter in Sandbox attack. Untriggered Traps can't be recorded by the Replay unless they are activated. It implies that. 1. So, this means you have to work with your teammate to scout as many traps as posible in Clan War for the first attack. Best practice: deploy ground and air troops to scout from ground to air. 2. And be careful! If the replay has only ground units, when you plan to sandbox with air units. You won't trigger any air traps in the simulation. 3. Layouts drawn from Copy Layout will have to be completed on your own, filling out spaces of traps/teslas. 2 1 en 300 0 0 1 N N 0 1458661628 1458904176857 Clash Royale Auto Donate Cards Mod 0 New Feature is released in iOS Mod 1.1.1Auto Donate Cards.How the economy works in Clash Royale:Cards can be requested by clanmates every 8 hrs. 1 Rare card or 10 Common Cards a time. So one clan member basically can generate 150 gold for the clan. But an account can donate up to 60 common cards and 12 rare cards a day.So if we get 6 members helping each other each day. We can generate 900 gold for every one. So get as many clan members or accounts to request and donate as you can, and you can generate sums of gold in clan for every one! Simple Steps to Use and you'll never miss any card request by Clanmates anymore and earn 900 Gold/day.Tap on Xbot and then Xmod to mod. Enter "Donation Settings" to specify the cards to donate.Check the cards you wanna donate and tap "

Clash of Clans Mod-Visible Traps in Sandbox Attack From Replay

[ONLY applicable to two occasions]: 1. Clan War 2. Sandbox Your Own Base (Test Self-defense).[How to use]Just 4 steps and you can see traps and teslas and enemy troops as well in the Sandbox.1. Turn on ?Sandbox attack? and ?Sandbox from replay?.2. Go to clan war on BATTLE DAY or WAR RESULTS to look for enemy bases that has been attacked once with replay.3. Watch the replay to get the trap data and then return.4. Sandbox the same base. Enjoy! You can see Traps and enemy’s troops automatically now in Sandbox!5.If you want to sandbox attack another base from replay,you must first watch the replay first! then repeat steps.?Important Note!!!?:?Turn OFF Sandbox from Replay,if you want to simulate other bases.Or it will always be the last base you watch from the replay.E.g. you watch replay 1 and then replay 2.When you simulate with Sandbox from replay ON, it’s replay 2’s base.Every time you enter the visit or scout when Sandbox from replay is ON, the base is always the replay base.?No Need to Set Enemy Castle Troop when Sandbox From Replay is on.There are three cases you will meet in Sandbox from replay.1.Enemy’s cc troop perfectly the same as in the replay: Since you have been donated the same troops, you don’t have to worry about it.2.cc troop is not exactly the same.a.different number: Your clan castle’s housing space is too small. Upgrade it.b.different level of the same troop. You haven’t been donated this level of troop. Ask your clanmate to donate one. Or join a more active or powerful clan. 3.No troops. You haven’t been donated this type at all before.?Suggestion:ask your clanmates. Or we recommend you join a more active or powerful clan for new players.??You can combine ?Sandbox from replay? with ?Set My Own Troops?, ?Set Spells? & ?Set My Castle Troops?. ?Set enemy troop?only works in normal Sandbox Attack.[Suggestion of use in Clan war]:1. Team work:In clanwar, we suggest you invite your clanmates use XMG and cooperate with your clanmates. That is, ask your Chief to plan the attacks.2. The first attack on each base is for replay’s sake.3.Then you and your clanmates can repeatedly sandbox and perfectly see their traps/teslas/cc troops with [SANDBOX FROM REPLAY]?Suggestion of use in Test your own defense?:1.Open ?Sandbox Attack?&?Sandbox From Replay?2.Open Defense log and click replay.3.Return Home4.Then “Visit” your rival or anyone else. The base being simulated should be your own base. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------TUTORIAL VIDEO:FANS DEMO VIDEO:

Tutorial for Copy Player Layout & Dead Base Search

Copy Player Layout & Dead Base Search Released for Clash of Clans?Demo Video?-- Copy Player Layout?Demo Video?-- Dead Base SearchWritten Guide:?Copy Player Layout? – Save PERFECT Layout for you. No need to drag walls for the night!This powerful feature can record any base layout you load in Clash of Clans for your War Base.1. Turn ON the feature.2. Then you can Visit/Scout/Replay/Search/Attack/Revenge any player. Stay there for at least 5s. The layout data of the base you view will be saved automatically. Then return to your base.Note: If you use Sandbox from Replay & Realtime Traps in Farming or Sandbox, or it’s Visit between clanmates or friends, you can also copy the Traps/Teslas. Also, note that once you use sandbox from replay, any base you visit will be the base you replayed. So turn OFF Sandbox from Replay if you wish to record other bases. 3. Tap on the Base Layout Editor at the right edge. Then to the War Base Tab (IMPORTANT: Not Farm Base Tab). Then Tap Edit Layout.4. The base you saved will be copied there. Edit the Traps and Tap Finish. Note: If the base load can see traps/teslas, you can also copy them here. 5. For the next save, you have to turn ON this feature again. If you copied a farming base in the war base Save slot, tap on Copy Layout and Transfer it to Home Village Save slot. ?Dead Base Search?-- a set of advanced search conditions that facilitate farming. Dead Base is usually easier to farm and get good loot. The conditions filter bases by Production in Gold Mines/Elixir Collectors/Dark Elixir Drills.1. Gold Mine/Elixir Collector Production:This detects Mine/Collector production in the base. Advice: You can search by either of these conditions, since normally in dead base these values are closely correlated. 2. Dark Elixir Drill ProductionThe condition of finding the required dark elixir is stricter. Caution: Please do not open too many search conditions for searching Dead bases. If you use these sets of conditions. You can turn off other strict conditions like Townhall near edge, common loot search etc.We recommend turn OFF Meet all conditions.e.g. Set Gold more than 200,000 and Gold Mine Production more than 200,000. So you can guarantee the gold. And hopefully find dead bases with Gold Loot in Full Mine more than 200,000. 2 0 en 100 56 0 1 N N 0 1450837527 1456458489385 Infinite Statues Simulation & Diving Visible by Xmodgames 0 Video Guide:1. Statue Simulation now features: Infinite Crystals and Infinite room when Simulating the statue Sequence. Note1: If you don’t have the crystal 999, it means you never have this kind of crystal before. Make a smaller statue and reclaim it. The next time you enter the sculptor. It should have the crystal you want 999.Note2: In the game, you can ONLY HAVE ONE Masterpiece with the same attribute. So you still have to reclaim it. Don’t forget to note it down too!2. Diving Visible/Visible Submarine Treasures: Allows you to see the question marked chests in Diving.

?Android?Pokemon Go World Travel Mod

Pokemon Go Mod for AndroidBIG NEWS: Pokemon Go Mod v.1.0.0 Released for Android Pokemon Go v. 0.31.0!This mod helps your avatar travel around the world to get Pokemons in Pokemon Go and ease the pokemon hunting. ?Preparations?1. Install Pokemon Go first and then install the mod. Make sure you have updated the game from Google Play and the mod from Xmodgames to the latest version. Then before lauching the mod. 2.Before launching the game from Xmodgames, please make sure thata. you have turned OFF mocked location in Settings-->Developer Options-->Allow mocked locations. (If not, there'll be a message indicating "GPS not found" when you log in).b. you have downloaded Google Map and its GPS real-time positioning is working.c. you have turned on vpn, if your country is restricted, i.e. not amongst the served area. ?How to use World Travel Mod in Pokemon Go?3.When all is ready, you can launch the mod. Remember to do this quickly: When the game is loading, tap on the Xbot (floating window on the right edge). Then tap on Xmod to mod the game. 4. If the mod is successfully loaded and initialized, it will be like this. If step 3 fails, the game will crash when you use flight tickets.?How to Set 'Home'?Once you enter the game, you will see that, in this message box, the mod requires you to set a coordinate in the map to be marked as "Home". Home is a location where you can fast travel back in the game. It can be last spot you logged off (SKIP). Or it can be your current spot or a fixed destination or some custom coords (Select Destination). Click on 'Start Fast Travel' to Set.Custom Coords use international latitude-longitude system. Input lat. from -90 to 90 and lng. from -180 to 180. Set the coordinates and then tap fast travel to begin journey (Recommended use with pokemonvision or pokesnipers to go to pokemon nests.)Selecting the location, you will be spawned there and safe to collect items and catch pokemon around your previously set as "Home". ?How to move around in the game?5. Now in the game you can see the joystick at the top left bottom of the screen. It controls the movement of your character. The movement directions can be adjusted from avatar-frontal to compass directions.6. You can adjust your travelling speed with Double Speed. The LAT:LGN values in the blue square shows your latitude:longitude position in the game. ?How to use Flight Ticket Mode?7. Flight Ticket Mode is made for instant long-distance travelling to a certain location to catch rare pokemons!BEWARE: After you have used flight tickets in the mod, DO NOT collect anything in your destination, the place to which you teleported). It's JUST for catching pokemon or you'll be banned!If unfornately you are banned, throw 40 poke balls or spin 40 pokestops. 8.Here're the procedures. Users MUST follow them closely or it might cause troubles like soft-bans from the server.?How to Catch a Pokemon with Long-distance Flight?a. When you bump into a pokemon after you've flown to somewhere else (You used long-distance travel in the mod).b. Tap on that pokemon and enter the battle scene, like this pidgey.c. In the battle, DO NOT throw any poke balls yet! Tap on Xmod and then tap "Back Home" to transfer back to your saved location. This is crucial and prevent you from being banned!d. Then throw any ball to catch it! If you don't observe these rules closely, your fast travel will be noted by the server and get soft-banned for hours. 9. Combine it with pokemonvision or pokesnipers to get instant info of the coords of the rarest pokemons and maximize your gain. Enjoy hunting!